

I had an interview with Mr. Dunham.
I ask him “Why did you come to Japan?” His answer is “For a wife.” I am envious of his wife, because through the interview, I feel big love for her from him. He said he isn’t interested in Japanese culture. Then, I think “It’s strange.” But in the moment, I can understand what that mean. He falls in love with his wife in America, and married. He go back his country once a year, But it is for work. So he can’t met his family, I ask him “Do you want to meet your family?” He said “Of course”, He has been in Japan over 20 years. His favorite food is Okonomiyaki, But he said “My favorite food is changing day by day.” His first impression of visited Japan is “HOT!!” He is from California. His hometown is good temperature and so on for living.

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